News & Blog

2FA for P&A Participants

COBRA, Commuter Benefits, Parking, Participant, Reimbursement Accounts, Savings Accounts, Transit

  Protecting participants’ data is our top priority, so we are pleased to announce two-factor authentication (2FA) is coming soon when participants log into their P&A My Benefits Account from a desktop. While using 2FA is not mandatory, we encourage all participants to use this enhanced security measure.  Below please find helpful Q&As on how…

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Outbreak Period, National Emergency Ending: What’s Next?

COBRA, Employee Benefits, Employer, Participant

With the outbreak period ending June 9, 2023, here's a summary of what employers and COBRA continuants should know. On Monday, April 10, 2023, President Biden signed into law the end of the National Emergency.  P&A Group is following the guidance from EBSA and the IRS to continue using May 11 ast the emergency end…

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P&A Group March Career Fair 2023

P&A Group

  Attention job seekers!  P&A Group is hosting a career fair on Tuesday, March 28th from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Join us for the opportunity to learn more about open positions at P&A Group and get the opportunity to interview for any of the positions you’re interested in exploring.  Advanced registration is not required…

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New P&A HSA App Released

Employer, Health Savings Account, HSA, Participant

  We’re excited to unveil a new mobile app designed for P&A HSA participants!  P&A HSA mobile app, now available on the App Store and Google Play, is designed to help HSA members increase their savings and make better healthcare spending decisions – now and for the future.   P&A HSA Mobile App Features The…

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P&A HR Connect Upgrade Goes Live March 14

Employer, Solutions

New year, new look! P&A’s secure employer web portal, HR Connect, is getting an upgrade that’s easy, clean, and more sophisticated. With a smart layout, new look and a user-friendly interface, P&A’s HR Connect upgrade is created to deliver clients a better experience. Our team kept the employer’s journey in mind when redesigning the portal: …

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P&A Launches WealthCare Saver Platform for New HSAs

Employer, Health Savings Account, HSA

P&A is kicking off 2023 with the announcement of several new initiatives, including a new HSA platform, WealthCare Saver!  P&A’s WealthCareSaver option for HSA participants expands on our existing HSA offering by providing new investment options, real-time trading, and fractional trading.  The new platform will elevate the HSA participant experience.   Key Benefits of P&A’s…

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