2FA for P&A Participants
April 2, 2018, marks National Employee Benefits Day, which recognizes all benefit professionals for their commitment to the employee benefits field and the important role they provide in the workplace. Today is an excellent reminder to review your benefits offering and start thinking of ways you can create an even better Open Enrollment.
At P&A Group, we understand the pressures and challenges employers and brokers face in this frequently changing industry. We are here to support your efforts in helping your employees understand important benefits through effective communication and tiered marketing campaigns.
P&A Group offers marketing solutions to help communicate important benefit details to your staff. Whether your Open Enrollment is quickly approaching or it’s months away, we can help you. Get in touch with our marketing team today to see how we can deliver important messages to your employees. You can also shoot us an e-mail at marketing@padmin.com and we’ll reach out to you directly.
Is your goal to increase enrollment? Or, are you looking to get your employees enrolled timely, with little to no last minute sign ups? Whatever your goal is, it’s important you identify what your objectives are first. Then, create a game plan and strategy that complements those goals. You’ll also find that establishing a time frame for your goals is helpful when you begin to implement new ideas.